The Deutschers

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Well it's been awhile

I realize it has been awhile since I updated my blog so lets see what we have been doing since Christmas.

We went to Mexico and had a blast check out some of the pictures.

Luke learned to swim all by himself in the deep end. We were such proud parents.

Eric and the boys making silly faces while he was putting there sun block on.

Nolan and I were relaxing in the pool.

Then we went to an eco-park for the day called Xcaret. And check out the styling dolphin.

The turtles were amazing but you wouldn't believe how many we had to take to get this one good shot.

The boys loved looking at the turtles and they had them at all sizes.

We climbed some ruins and Luke did go all the way up to check out Yoda's house.

They had a show they put on at the end of the day. It was a history of the area.

Luke ate a whole cup of chocolate ice cream all by himself. Sure does look like he enjoyed it doesn't it.

Nolan was trying so hard to stay awake to see the show. But it had been such a long day in the sun and they had this really neat underground river that we got to swim.

But he just couldn't do it and sleep finally overcame him while he was sitting up. We moved him right after this shot to his stroller.


  • At 5:50 p.m., Blogger Monika said…

    Wow you finally did an update! I like all the pictures, looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

  • At 8:27 p.m., Blogger Colleen said…

    I love the sunblock photo. Your boys are crazy men. :) I agree with Moni, it looks like y'all had a blast.


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